By GolfLynk Publisher on Monday, 17 August 2020
Category: Geoff Shackelford

“All of the rest of them are caddies on a golf course they’ll never play.”

The New York Times’ Ben Smith looks at the last week or so of bad but inevitable news for the studio system as streaming services outmaneuver the famous brands owned by the AT&T’s, Comcast’s, Viacom’s and even Disney’s of the world.

But this being a golf blog the last quote was quite the golf analogy from legendary investor/executive Barry Diller.

“Disney will remain relevant into the future,” said Barry Diller, who once headed Paramount and Fox and is now chief executive of the digital media company IAC. “All of the rest of them are caddies on a golf course they’ll never play.”

As for sports streaming and golf, the same change still seems a ways off given the inconvenience and clunkiness of streaming sports. But the inevitable change is coming.

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