By GolfLynk Publisher on Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Category: GOLFSTR

Is Your Take-away Working ?

You will never be a low handicap golfer if you don’t figure out a consistent takeaway that works for your driver and possibly a different one for your irons. Some pros have a wide or narrow takeaway and some flatten their leading wrist and others bow their leading wrist. So what should you focus on for your takeaway?

Rory McIlroy has a wide takeaway. It lets him slightly loop down at the top and shallow his club with his elbow into his side as his leading hip rotates his body through his downswing. I personally had a problem with coming over the top and slicing the ball so Rory give me the perfect swing to shallow my downswing for a square impact.

On the other hand Dustin Johnson does an early wrist cock in his takeaway. He has no problem visualizing the open face of his club as he bows his wrist at the top of his swing. He also has no problem starting his downswing on the same plane as he drops the butt end of his golf club and fires his hooded club up his target line. Most of the teaching pros recommend that you don’t try to copy this amazing swing as you need brute force to get away with his bowed wrist swing.

Bryson DeChambeau keeps his leading wrist perfectly straight in his setup, during his backswing and down on the same plane in his downswing. He looks like a robot but his strength delivers amazing club-head speed.

The Morning-Read Blog provided this this photo of Dustin Johnson after his Masters Win. No-one swings like Dustin but he is the best. He definitely swings from the inside and up his target line and you should too.

Does your take-way matter? NO, as long as you can still change your downswing path to release your wrists at the bottom of your inside swing arc and up your target line.

Avoid casting at the top and spoiling your swing with an outside to inside swing. All of the pros pull their bent trailing elbow in as the rotation of their leading hip starts their downswing as they pull down on the butt end of their club. That PULLING action close to their side, stops any premature casting action.

So however you like to coil your body and arms in your takeaway, it really doesn’t matter as long as you can release your lagging wrists to whip your club face up your target line. A flat leading wrist and a straight leading arm is helpful for consistency to avoid any strange releasing action as your club powers through the ball.

Dustin Johnson won the Masters last weekend with power and consistency. His bowed wrist at the top of his swing is NOT what every golfer can duplicate or try to duplicate but it works for him as it is the only way that he can feel his HOODED club face firing down to a square impact. It is definitely not for everyone but he picked up up a cool $2 Million by keeping a consistent performance.

Don’t make your swing complex. Practice with your GOLFSTR+ to swing with a straight leading arm and flat wrist. Your cocked trailing wrist is all you need to think about as you pull down with the butt end of your club. Buy one today at

Golf Truism #34 Nothing straightens out a nasty slice quicker than a sharp dogleg to the right.

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