Golfing News & Blog Articles
NCGA Events Are Back!
June 6, 2020
NCGA Events Are Back!
NCGA Events Resumed June 6
Dear NCGA member,
In an abundance of caution, the NCGA had previously made the decision to suspend all event activity through June 1.
Given the recent easing of Shelter-in-Place mandates, the NCGA began resuming its events calendar but with new tournament procedures in place.
The safety and well-being of our members, volunteers and staff is still of the utmost importance, thus the following policies will be in effect for all NCGA events and are subject to change based on current county and state guidelines. Realizing each golf course has different capabilities of service, NCGA staff will work with courses to create safe playing opportunities for participants. Players or spectators failing to adhere to the following policies will be removed from the event and asked to leave the premises.
Specific policies for various NCGA programming are available here and for each event with the Player Information:
Junior Tour of Northern California | Weekend Net Tour/Senior Series | Legacy WGANC | Legacy PWGA
In addition to the following protocols that will be enforced by the NCGA, we ask that you use the following precautions:
If you have a fever, cough or other symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home. (Any player with noticeable symptoms will be asked to go home). Avoid touching your mouth, nose, lips and eyes. Wash your hands frequently. If you are unable to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer. Please familiarize yourself with and follow the best practices published by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and California state and county ordinances.Event Registration
Junior Tour of Northern California
We thank you for your patience and support during this unprecedented time, and thank you for your membership and support of the game,
Northern California Golf Association

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