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Perfect Your Swing


A great golf swing is a combination of balance, control, and power. By mastering these key elements, you can improve your consistency and lower your scores.

1. Grip it Right

  • Use a neutral grip—your lead hand should show 2-3 knuckles at address.
  • The V-shape between your thumb and index finger should point toward your trail shoulder.
  • Avoid gripping too tightly—this can restrict wrist action and reduce clubhead speed.

2. Establish a Solid Stance

  • Feet should be shoulder-width apart for balance.
  • Weight Distribution: Start with your weight evenly distributed, then shift slightly to your back foot on the backswing.
  • Bend your knees slightly and keep your back straight while tilting forward from the hips.

3. Execute a Smooth Backswing

  • Start Slow: A controlled, smooth takeaway is key.
  • Rotate Your Shoulders: Turn your lead shoulder under your chin for a full coil.
  • Keep Your Arms Extended: This helps maintain width and power in your swing.

4. Transition into a Powerful Downswing

  • Start with Your Lower Body: Shift your weight to your lead foot before your hands come down.
  • Avoid Over-the-Top Motion: Keep your hands inside the target line for a proper path.
  • Maintain Lag: Let your wrists stay cocked until just before impact to generate clubhead speed.

5. Make Solid Contact at Impact

  • Your hands should be slightly ahead of the ball at impact for crisp, clean strikes.
  • Hit Down on Irons: Let the loft of the club do the work—avoid scooping the ball.
  • For Drivers, Hit Up: Tee the ball higher and position it inside your lead foot to launch it higher.

6. Finish with a Balanced Follow-Through

  • Your chest should be facing the target at the end of your swing.
  • Weight should be fully on your lead foot, with your back foot on its toe.
  • A controlled, balanced finish means you’ve maintained good rhythm and tempo.

7. Practice with Purpose

  • Use Slow-Motion Swings: Helps ingrain proper mechanics.
  • Film Your Swing: Identify areas for improvement.
  • Drills:
    • Swing with a Towel Under Your Arms to improve connection.
    • Pause at the Top to control transition.
    • Feet Together Drill to improve balance and timing.
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