Golfing News & Blog Articles
Sharing the Game With Friends and Family
June 24, 2020
Sharing the Game With Friends and Family
After some very challenging months, we are all now enjoying the perks of summertime golf.
In taking stock of the situation, we more appreciate and realize how smart and fortunate we are to have chosen a sport that is proving to be such a great outlet in the midst of a pandemic.
Hopefully you’re not only getting back out to enjoy a few rounds, but getting some friends, colleagues or family members to join you. It’s time for some fun games again – but to play the games at even odds, everyone ought to have a handicap index.
In sharing the game with friends and family, here’s a reminder that there are several ways to join the NCGA and obtain an official handicap index via the new World Handicap System.
Your friends and family may ask– why is golf a good sport right now and why do I need a handicap index?
Start with golf is played outdoors in a natural setting – and if you resist the urge to high-five and shake hands for now, it’s easy to socially distance and stay safe. Of course, riding carts are fine, but getting a pushcart or carrying your bag is additionally enjoyable and even more beneficial for your health. As a bonus, there’s time to talk between shots and enjoy each other’s company. And of course, to compete for fun or money. There aren’t many other such sports that we can turn for such an escape during these turbulent times.
One of our most asked questions is ‘Why do I need a handicap?’ We have a great article on our website at that further explains the reasons. If not just making sure you are playing games with fair odds, a handicap index is the best way to gauge and track your progress.
It’s easy to post scores on the my NCGA mobile app and free to get some basic online Rules training.
The NCGA has all the tools and resources to support and promote golf in Northern California. Get your friends and family in on the benefits.

The post Sharing the Game With Friends and Family appeared first on Northern California Golf Association.