Golfing News & Blog Articles
Solution for the Worst Miss in Golf
We all have a love hate relationship with golf. When its good, we love it. When it’s bad, it can be very frustrating. Burning the side of a hole with a missed putt is only costing you 1 stroke. A poor drive results in losing some easy distance. But a missed chip from 10 to 40 feet is so much more frustrating because its such an easy shot. After your miss, you tighten up and your next attempt is fat or bladed across the green. Then your blood begins to boil as you add-on 3 more strokes putting. Wouldn’t is be nice to make every chip for a 1 putt green?
You need an easy solution for perfect chip shots to limit your putts around the green. Mr. Short Game on a recent GolfersRx blog reminded us to “take your hands out of the swing”. Limiting your hand action is the perfect solution for consistent chips.
He reminded us to chip exactly the way Steve Stricker and Jason Day chip.
-Let your limited hip and shoulder rotation take care of the speed and power of your swing.
-Start with a narrow stance
-With more weight on your leading foot and
-Add a limited wrist lag for your club with your trailing hand during your limited backswing.
Learn this limited lag by practicing with GOLFSTR+. It limits your trailing hand lag by fitting the back of your wrist to the curved plastic shape.
The perfect chip is NOT a full golf swing. It’s a half swing where you keep the face of your club SQUARE in your setup, in your backswing and as you finish your swing directly up your target line. Depending on the distance that you want, just increase your back swing and match that swing distance with your follow-through swing distance.
As Tiger Woods described his chipping success when he sank a 40 footer from 10 feet off the green on the Saturday round of the 2022 PNC Championship: “Just keep a firm left hand and knock it in there.”

The key for successful chipping is in allowing the distance of you arms at setup to create the same distance at impact. Don’t get floppy or flippy with your hands and wrists. Avoid bending your leading elbow in your backswing and through impact. Finish your impact by pointing your club up your target line.
A perfect chip should be the simplest swing in golf but for most of us it can be the most frustrating shot in golf. Practice with GOLFSTR+ strapped to the back of your trailing wrist. The bend on the end of the plastic plate will limit your wrist lag to the perfect angle. GOLFSTR+ was designed to remind you to keep your leading elbow straight in your backswing. A golf pro at our club recommended that I learn to improve my chipping with the limited wrist bend using GOLFSTR+ training aid. Buy one today at