Golfing News & Blog Articles
Start Every Putt on a Straight Line!
I have seen too many poor golfers who try to cut or hook their putts with the face of their putter. Your putter face may have up to a 3% tilt to start your ball rolling over and only on a straight line. By adding to the complexity of a swing where you add a curve to your putt is a crazy idea. We all need to use the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid!
Your Starting Point
A student asked: “How do I sink long putts?” The pro replied: “Take a chipping lesson”. It’s so true. Chipping it close for a 1-putt green should be the goal of every Weekend Warrior. Just chip to 3 feet and sink the putt. What could be easier?
Your Putting Goal
Putting is the easiest stroke in golf, so you have no excuse but to make it the best part of your game. You will sink more putts when you commit to a target and only rock your shoulders and torso to send your ball at your chosen target point. Practice putting by locking your wrist with GOLFSTR+.
Scottie Scheffler is the best example of a great putter:
a. Lift and Set: After he considers the slope of the green and lines up his putt, he always lifts his putter directly in front of his face and sets his hands with a conventional grip so that there is no gap from the palm of his hands to his grip.
b. Line-up His Putter: He recently changed putters to a TaylorMade Spider X mallet style head with a bold line extending along the center line on the crown of his putter. His caddy said that it gives him more confidence for a square line-up from his putter on his target line.

Understand the slope: Look at the slope from behind the hole and back to your ball as well as the side view from below your putting line. Determine your feel for the break based on testing the putting speed and breaks on the practice green.
Understand the distance and slope combination: Test the speed of your putts for distance on up-hill and down-hill putts. Before every putt, make a practice swing to feel the amount of swing required for your exact putt to pass the hole by up to 2 feet.
Lock Your Eyes: After you square your putter on your target line. Focus your eyes on a line or the ball’s logo on the exact point that you will impact your ball until 1-second after impact. [Never watch the putter in the backswing or the follow-through.]
Make your putting stroke with a cadence count of “one-two” and practice with a flat leading wrist with your GOLFSTR+. Buy one today at