Golfing News & Blog Articles
Two Minutes to Better Golf
You have got to try this simple, yet highly effective, exercise! Whilst it’s not as easy as it might appear it can be done fairly quickly and at home. This valuable little nugget was shared by my friend and Golf Fanatics expert contributor, Mike Carroll. It will help with mobility, strength and mechanics. Watch….
As you work through each swing strive to go back a touch further than you did on the previous swing. I’ve done this for a week now and can feel the difference already.
As much as we might not be willing to admit it, strength makes a substantial difference in the distance that we hit the golf ball. If you start doing this with a light weight try to move up in weight as the weeks progress. I’m currently using an 8 pound medicine ball.
This is something that Mike pointed out to me. When you have to recruit every resource available to you to move this weighted object back as far as possible it’s interesting how well you move. The lead heel elevates, the hips help out, the chest turns a ton and the shoulders and arms do a nice job too. Not much I would change really!
I know you’d like to get better. So would I. The fact is that the only way it can possibly happen is if we start to make improvements…and they don’t come easily. Start today and don’t give in! It ultimately is always up to you. Get out of your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed.