Golfing News & Blog Articles
Your Golf Ball Design Matters
Technology in the advancement of the golf ball design over the past 70 years has been revolutionary for the game of golf. But, you need to take advantage of the technology that fits your game. Your swing speed is the key factor in determining the ideal ball for your game, so you should choose wisely.
In the 1950’s, golf balls normally ended their life with a deep cut through the cover. As a kid I spent hours cutting off the skin of those damaged balls, finding the end of the single strand of elastic and running out hundreds of yards of elastic banding to get to the rubber core of the ball. I was amazed at the elastic stretching and wrapping process that must have been used to create those balls.
More recently balls are made from multiple cores of rubber with various formulations for durability and flexibility. One manufacturer tried to change the manufacturing concept by using a metal ball bearing for the core of the ball. The PGA never approved that design even though the manufacturer argued that it had superior features of length and control over other balls. In my experience I could never get that ball to draw and constantly hit fades with it until I deepsixed it in a pond.
You may have seen slow motion videos where a club deforms a ball at the point of impact, but this video shows a 150 Mile Per Hour impact of a ball on a steel plate. It’s incredible that the ball returns to a round shape after this impact.

You will be amazed to know that this ball returns to its round shape.
Click here to watch this surprising video.
I included this video to help you understand that you need a swing speed of at least 100 MPH to compress the 3 part Titleist Pro V-1 golf ball. Bryson DeChambeau has a swing speed of 133 MPH. The typical swing speed of 20 to 50 year old golfer can be over 100 MPH. That’s the minimum swing speed needed to benefit from the 3 part Pro V-1.
Aging golfers like myself have swing speeds of about 80 MPH. We are wasting money buying premium balls like the Pro V-1. We can get more distance with softer balls like the Titleist NX Tour which is a 2 stage ball. Of course, there are many balls that will suit your game but I have highlighted the Titleist reference as they provided this video and associated information.
Improve your game with golf balls that match your swing speed. Unfortunately golf balls may get you closer to the hole on every shot but GOLFSTR+ will help you refine your swing to reduce your scores on every hole. Buy one today at
Golf Truism #83: Golf! You hit down to make the ball go up. You swing left and the ball goes right. The lowest score wins. And on top of that, the winner buys the drinks.