Golfing News & Blog Articles

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How to Hit Good Iron Shots

Hitting good iron shots in golf requires a combination of proper technique, consistency, and mental focus. Here are some tips to help you improve your iron play:

  1. Setup: Start with a proper setup by aligning your body parallel to the target line. Position the golf ball in the center of your stance, or slightly ahead of center for shorter irons, and distribute your weight evenly on both feet.

  2. Grip: Hold the club with a relaxed grip, allowing your hands to feel connected to the club without excessive tension. Make sure your grip pressure is consistent throughout the swing.

  3. Posture: Maintain a balanced and athletic posture with your spine straight and your knees slightly flexed. Keep your upper body tilted slightly forward from the hips, and maintain a natural spine angle throughout the swing.

  4. Swing Plane: Swing the club along the proper swing plane to promote consistent ball striking and accuracy. For iron shots, the club should travel on a slightly descending path through impact, striking the ball before making contact with the ground.

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Short Putts

Making successful short putts in golf is a crucial skill, as it can significantly impact your scorecard. Here are some tips and techniques to improve your short putting game:

1. Proper Alignment

  • Square Your Stance: Your feet, hips, and shoulders should be parallel to the target line.
  • Ball Position: Place the ball in the center of your stance or slightly forward.
  • Putter Face Alignment: Ensure the putter face is square to the target at address.

2. Focus on the Stroke

  • Smooth Stroke: The stroke should be a smooth pendulum motion with equal backswing and follow-through.
  • Keep Your Wrists Firm: Avoid breaking your wrists; the movement should come from your shoulders.

3. Eye Position

  • Directly Over the Ball: Try to have your eyes directly over the ball or slightly inside the ball line to get a better view of the line.

4. Grip and Hands

  • Relaxed Grip: Don’t grip the putter too tightly. A relaxed grip aids in a smoother stroke.
  • Steady Hands: Keep your hands steady throughout the stroke to avoid pushing or pulling the putt.

5. Mental Focus

  • Visualize the Line: Imagine a line from your ball to the hole and visualize the ball rolling along this line.
  • Confidence: Be confident in your stroke. Doubt can lead to tension and a poor stroke.

6. Practice Drills

  • Short Putt Repetitions: Practice short putts repeatedly to build muscle memory.
  • Coin Drill: Place a coin a few inches in front of the ball. Focus on rolling the ball over the coin, helping with accuracy.
  • One-Handed Drills: Putting with one hand can help improve feel and stroke smoothness.

7. Speed Control

  • Consistent Pace: Aim for a consistent pace on your putts. Too hard or too soft can lead to misses.
  • Read the Green: Understand the slope and grain of the green to judge speed better.

8. Routine Consistency

  • Pre-Putt Routine: Develop a consistent routine before each putt to help with focus and repeatability.

9. Equipment Check

  • Putter Fit: Ensure your putter is the right length and lie for your stance and style.
  • Putter Type: Use a putter type (blade, mallet, etc.) that you feel comfortable with and suits your stroke.

10. Stay Still

  • Avoid Head Movement: Keep your head still during the stroke. Moving your head to watch the putt can lead to a poor stroke.

Remember, putting is as much about feel and confidence as it is about technique. Regular practice, focusing on these aspects, will help you improve your short putting game. Additionally, consider getting professional instruction to fine-tune your technique.


Stance and Posture

Proper golf stance and posture are fundamental to achieving a consistent and effective golf swing. Here's how to establish the correct stance and posture in golf:


  1. Alignment: Stand parallel to your target line. Your feet, hips, and shoulders should be aligned with the intended target. Use alignment sticks or a club on the ground to help with alignment.

  2. Width: For most shots, your feet should be about shoulder-width apart. This provides a stable base for your swing. For longer clubs like drivers, you can have a slightly wider stance.

  3. Weight Distribution: Distribute your weight evenly between both feet. Avoid leaning too far forward or backward. Your weight should be centered.

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