It’s February—the luster and excitement of those lofty New Year’s resolutions have faded away for many of us. Here’s hoping you’ve kept up with yours but chances are it’s been a struggle. And it’s likely a great many of those on-life-support resolutions revolve around fitness. Eat less, eat better, work out, maybe lay off the sauce a bit, and hit the ball a hell of a lot farther… This was the year you were going to do all that. Unfortunately those goals are already fading away, if they’re not already gone.
Why is that? Why is it so damned hard to follow through and actually get in the shape you want to be in? The truth is that it doesn’t have to be. As cinema giant and philosopher Rob Schneider once said, “You can do it!” Jan. 1 is just a date on the calendar, that’s all. So let’s get you back at it. This time with a plan and a method that can help you make lasting gains that will translate to the golf course and your daily life.
First, let’s revisit the “why.”
Photo Courtesy of Fit for Golf
A Pre-Game Speech
I won’t belabor the point that getting in shape is a good idea. Fire up the Google machine and search “how to prevent chronic illness” or “how to live longer” or “how to thrive as you age” and see what comes up. I’ll save you the trouble: the top two hits will be diet and exercise.
But for you, the golfer, let me drive the point home a little more clearly. We’ve all heard the cliché that “golf is a game you can play your whole life.” Well, it won’t be if you don’t take care of yourself. That probably comes across as harsh but think about it. If you’ve forfeited your strength, mobility and flexibility, are you really going to want to keep playing the game as a broken-down shell of the golfer you used to be or, maybe worse, the golfer you could have been?